Advertise with Salud y Hierbas

The cannabis industry generated an estimated $16-$18 BILLION in revenue during 2017. Are you getting your share of this money?

Reach Latinos Looking to Improve Their Quality of Life Through Medical Marijuana

A first of it’s kind publication, Salud y Hierbas is distributed throughout the Los Angeles DMA, educating the Spanish-seaking Latino community regarding the benefits of medical marijuana in relation to symptoms, illnesses, and diseases that cannabis can help treat and connecting the market with doctors, licensed dispensaries, and others within the industry who can help provide treatment to ease their pain and suffering.

Salud y Hierbas CoverDistributing 30,000 copies at each run, those interested in reaching this market can do so by placing an ad in any of the upcoming publications, which are scheduled for:

• April 18, 2018*

• September 19, 2018*

• November 21, 2018*

Interested in advertising with Salud y Hierbas?

Call us today at 877.260.3146 or fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible!

Reach Spanish Speaking Medical Marijuana Users Today!

* Date of publication and editorial content subject to change without notice